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Wednesday, April 1, 2009


What Is A Smoking Addiction?

Smoking addiction means a person has formed an uncontrollable dependence on cigarettes to the point where stopping smoking would cause severe emotional, mental, or physical reactions.

Everyone knows that smoking is harmful and addictive, but few people realize just how risky and addictive it is.
Chances are that about one in three smokers who do not stop will eventually die because of their smoking. Some will die in their 40s, others will die later. On average, they will die 10 to 15 years earlier than they would have died from other causes.
Most smokers want to stop and do indeed try, but only one in three succeeds in stopping permanently before age 60. By this time, much harm may have been done to the body - some of it irreversible.
• Those who eventually quit smoking usually try to stop two or three times before they're successful.
• Only 2.5 percent of smokers successfully quit each year.
The reason why so many people fail to stop is because they are addicted. Being addicted does not mean that you cannot stop - only that it is likely to be difficult. Anyone can succeed if he or she goes about it in the right way.
How you stop - and, especially, when you stop - is a very personal matter. Only you know what you have to give up, and how the benefits of smoking can be weighed against the benefits of stopping. Harassment and pressure from others who do not understand is often unhelpful. You will only stop when you have made a firm decision. When you do make up your mind, however, you can succeed, regardless of how addicted you may be.
If you stop smoking before or during middle age (age 35 to 50), you will avoid about 90 percent of the lung cancer risk. If you are currently middle-aged, you are also more likely to succeed in quitting now than when you were younger.

Why Is Smoking Addictive?

Nicotine is the drug in tobacco that causes addiction. It is absorbed and enters the bloodstream, through the lungs when smoke is inhaled, and through the lining of the mouth (buccal mucosa) when tobacco is chewed or used as oral snuff or for non-inhaled pipe and cigar smoking. It is also absorbed through the nose from nasal snuff, which was popular in the 18th century.
Nicotine is a psychoactive drug with stimulant effects on the electrical activity of the brain. It also has calming effects, especially at times of stress, as well as effects on hormonal and other systems throughout the body. Although its subjective effects are less dramatic and obvious than those of some other addictive drugs, smoking doses of nicotine causes activation of "pleasure centers" in the brain (for example, the mesolimbic dopamine system), which may explain the pleasure, and addictiveness of smoking.

Is Smoking A Physical Addiction?

Smoking is a physical addiction that produces a "chain reaction" in the body:
• Nicotine acts on receptors normally used by one of the main neurotransmitters in the brain and nervous system (acetylcholine). Neurotransmitters are the "chemical messengers" released by nerve cells to communicate with other cells by altering their electrical activity.
• The body responds to nicotine at these receptors as if it was the natural transmitter (acetylcholine) and the activity and physiological functions of many brain systems are altered.
• With repeated nicotine dosage the body adapts to what it regards as extra acetylcholine in an attempt to restore normal function. One way it does this is to grow more acetylcholine receptors.
Thus nicotine induces structural as well as functional changes in the brain of smokers. When nicotine is suddenly withdrawn, physiological functions in the brain and other parts of the body are disturbed. This is known as withdrawal syndrome. It takes time for the body to readjust to functioning normally without nicotine.

On the basis of this idea then blaze Herbal Cigarette “ SIN ” as the medication therapy with cigarette pattern from mace materials without chemicals without opium that contain anti nicotinic that stick in receptor expected formation of center nerve lessens return function of center nerve in brain so it's lessen desire for smoking cigarette


Step by step lessen and cure :
Heart sickness, Lung, Breath Channel, Diabetes, Liver, Stomach, Digestion, Kidney, Impotency, Drugs and Cannabis Addiction, Alcoholic drink Addiction, Cholesterol, blood-vessel acid, High blood pressure/Low, Sinusitis, Adenoid, Eczema, mouth aroma, Skin pruritis, Pimple, Flek , gum Bleeding , Nose, Bronchitis, Cough, Diarrhoea, Toothache, men Vitality , Asthma, Throw away toxin body


Confused, Queasy, Cough, Body uncomfortably ; this because mace materials anti nicotinic works decompose nicotine that that stick at formation of center nerve in exhalation cavity and brain, continued continue therapy process till symptom that felt decrease and lose at all

Mouth is felt crispy and always wet ; ingredient works and normalizing gland that produce enzyme of mouth dampness and red lane

Mouth is felt acid ; mace materials that exist in SIN Herbal Cigarette work stimulate desist excess at stomach acid


This cigarette are created by KH. Abdul Malik based guideline experience in medicine alternative, from composition 17 type of ingredient materials that processed become materials of choice tobacco mixture for cigarette so can neutralize content TAR and NICOTINE. Ingredient that also functioned as the jamu (Indonesian traditional herbs) of health therapy referred as is ancestor heritage without chemicals and also opium. Consist of some traditional ingredients and secret mace that functioned launch blood circulation, clean poison in body especially at bronchy, red lane, and lung

The cigarette taste this in general is specific taste cigarette that ever made and enjoyed by Javanese empire king of Majapahit (1293 -1500) and disseminated around the world at its time. Of course in accordance with character of smoker taste . In the Javanese Kingdom era first the healing mantra that exhaled at cigarette of raw material have the shape of Energy Short wave very fine, so can repair gangrene cells because of poison like infection, chafe and bacterium and virus.

Initially this cigarette are used only as the medium of medication of therapy kinds of disease. Because to the number of request from users that feel positive effect from this cigarette then decided to be produced in mass. Before company permission is released by in charge party, this cigarette had passed by erudite test in Laboratory Chemical of Brawijaya University Malang, with one of notable cigarette factory in East Java that premier officially by government for cigarette product testing. The result indicates that level of “This cigarette Nicotine” very low, even expressed come near 0%.


Test result shows traditional herbs value this cigarette is high. However value at cigarette this is the ingredient of health traditional herbs therapy that help lessen poison in lung and release it in the form of mucus, so breath is felt light. Verification in empiric already a lot feel positive effect.

This cigarette Ingredient consist of acidulous materials and basic salt, its reaction result is salt, then if felt this ash is felt crispy that also contain useful ingredient. For example heal lightly injured, sprue or heat in, pruritis or skin eczema and even help healing of disease consequence hurt diabetes by spread this ash at ill part.

Some secret materials that implied in 17 ingredient traditional herbs materials this for example is :

Sirih or in latin is Piper Betle (Charica Betle), contain types of chemistry compound like oil atsiri, cineole, and tanner; checker substance, antibiotic required just for makes traditional ingredient. Useful to cure and heal : Eye Pain, Eczema, Mouth Aroma, Itchy Skin, Eliminate pimple; Gum Bleeding, Nosebleed, Bronkhitis, Cough, Sprue, Hurt, whiteplek vagina, Heart Pain, Syphilis, Allergy, Diarrhoea, Toothache, Lessen product mother breast milk that abundant. Content sirih leaf in ingredient will be felt fresh as the replacement menthol.

Wood Siwak or Miswak, come from Salvadore Persica tree that grow around the Middle East land have substance anti bacterium and enzyme that can mengur angi bacterium amount in trap so tooth becomes healthy and prevent incidence [of] holey tooth and disinfectant effect that existed in siwak applicable to desists gum haemorrahage.
Mineral that existed in siwak like Natrium Klorida , Potassium, Sodium Bicarbonat and calcium Ocside also functioned clean tooth. Fragrance and likely that delicious, arise from natural oil amount to 1% from all compositions. Benefit of wood chemical content siwak :

o Antibacterial acids,
like astringents, abrasive and detergents that functioned to kill bacterium, prevent infection and desist bleeding at gum. Chemistry Content like Klorida, Pottasium, Sodium Bicarbonate, Fluoride, Silica, Sulphur, Vitamin C, Trimethyl amine, Salvadorine, Tannins and some other minerals that functioned to clean tooth, whiten and make healthy tooth and gum. This materialses often diekstrak upon which tooth paste compiler.
o natural aroma
that have feel and fresh aroma, make mouth becomes fragrance and deodorize is not delicate.
o Enzim
that prevent forming plaque gingivitis causative. Plaque also is the root cause its date tooth in premature.
o Anti decay agent
(Substance anti deterioration), that degrade bacterium amount trap and prevent the process of obsolence. In other hand siwak also also stimulate production saliva more, where saliva is organic mouth that protect and clean mouth

Honey, Predefined both as “special food” for body fitness and medication of various of diseases. Honey usefulness very relates to its sugar content that high. Namely fructose 41%, glucose 35%, and sucrose 1,9%.

And content elementary body like vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, antibiotic, and other, can replace body cells that die, maintain body fitness, maintain men healthy, cure leukemia, cancer, AIDS

Honey also replaces Antibiotic for cancer patient, heal rheumatism, pile, prostate, heart, acid stomach, skin disease, singe and many more its benefit. Because till now various of elementary bodies that consisted in inside have not yet can be known entirely.


For the first active smoker multiplies occurence this cigarette, possibility will directly feel its enjoyment, body is felt fresh either in activity everyday or after wake up, mean poison remains in body became low. Some people will feel bitter, itchy red lane, heat, pain, confused, queasy etc, show active cigarette ingredient works destroy and lessen level of high poison in blood and lung and smoker body. For that non-smoker or smoker passive that try breath in this cigarette possibility also feels such things as above.

Body Reaction like exit fluid in form of mucus from ear (certain case), nose and red lane must always cleaned. If dirt or poison were in lung and red lane too condensed, secretory possibility of mucus fluid and menstrual blood.

From reactions referred as suggested to consume this cigarette till recover. Because this cigarette fixed safe to be consumed, and its smoke does not poison passive smoker even functioned as the health therapy like at active smoker.

This cigarette have expire level sufficiently long. Has been tested that this cigarette are longer kept will be growing felt its enjoyment and not lessen quality and also ingredient benefit that consisted in inside. Sometimes in cigarette bar emerge some stain or pocks as a result of ingredient reaction that growing mature so usefullness faster works if consumed.

This cigarette works with principle launch circulation of body blood so usefulness. Verification by consumer for example is:
1. Low Nicotine, smoker relative safe from pain and heart sickness.
2. Tar ingredient, smoker relative safe from lung pain and exhalation channel.
3. Heal Diabetes disease, Liver, Stomach, Digestion, Kidney, Impotency, Cannabis addiction and
4. Smoke that sipped will neutralize poisons that existed in blood and body organ.
5. normalize blood pressure, heal drugs addiction, Cannabis, Liquor. Depress collesterol, blood-
vessel acid, and blood sugar smoker and help lighten and heal Sinusitis and Polip.
6. As Gurah (release lung found on poison fluid and blood) pass by mouth, nose and ear. Heal and
lighten disease Athsma, and others.

Because in character that react with chemicals, several things that maybe happened moment or after inhalings this cigarette:

* Only with 3 or 5 this cigarette inhalings have been felt change in body. Ingredient Reaction works launch blood circulation so it's probably causes body of a few little effect or confused that goes on a few moments, afterwards body is felt warmness and fresh.

* Pain Eye if hit indicated this cigarette smoke fatigue eye and to the number of substances air pollution that step into eye, in this case ingredient works normalize eye condition and must take a rest.

* Mouth is felt acid indicated ingredient works normalize stomach acid and must concerned about food and beverage consumed.

* Mouth is felt crispy and always wet, because ingredient works care of and normalize enzyme production and mouth dampness and red lane

If wish stop from cigarette habit especially for heavy smoker shall lessen it ploddingly, don't be direct not cigarette at all. Because body metabolism that already toxic cigarette smoke will be bothered so it's speed up incidence of many disease kills especially heart and lung cancer .

For that “Cigarette Therapy SIN” offer a method
“Stop Smoking Cigarette with Cigarette Herbal Therapy”.

Besides give benefit in the case of health, traditional herbs Cigarette SIN also applies system profitable sale network for consumer that want to allot benefit from this mace cigarette to friend or friend that together require with system network sale


• Consumer : Have not yet member card / Have not yet become member Flash Net
• * Member : Has had Flash Net Card
• * Sub Agen : Member that assigned by Agen
• * Agent : Member that company premier or that has been up to standard like this :
• Have minimize 5 Grups
• Totalize downline member (till level-10) minimize 50 people
• (accumulation)
• Shop early minimizes Rp. 1.500.000,- Get discount price
• Rp. 1.000,-/ bale from price Sub Agen
• Make Sale report product to FlashNet minimize tgl. 5
• per month


1. You be entitled to Bonus this if Anda buys cigarette Sin in Flasnet 20 bales / moon or 40.000 BVs (1 bale = 2.000 BVs)
2. You will get Bonus like this till 10 Levels



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